Applied Research Projects
Kolibri, the open Web UI toolkit
Student Projects
Master: Purely Functional User Interfaces.
Master: Purely Functional Data Analysis with Frege and Apache Spark.
Master: Time Effects in Frege - Concurrency with STM and Investigations on Parallelism.
Master: Ein rein funktionaler PureScript Client für OpenDolphin.
Start of the Kolibri Web UI Toolkit code, documentation.pdf, toolkit
Advanced property-based testing for the Frege Programming Language.
Developing a Minimal Language Server for the Frege Programming Language: an Experience Report.
Type-save producer/consumer data processing in Frege. Documentation, presentation (video)
Facettierte Suche als Tool für die Explorative Datenanalyse im Web. info, code, documentation.pdf
Event Based Real-Time Synchronization of Web Applications. info, documentation.pdf
Facettierte Suche in Web UIs mit Geo-Informationen. link
Lambda Kalkül für praktisches JavaScript. GitBook, code
Mobile Unterstützung für die halbautomatische Sichtbefundung von Bodenproben. BodenDOK
Web UI Next Generation. code, git book
Collaborative Resource Planning with extra-large Multi-Touch Displays.
Migros-IT-Services Lifecycle Management.
Task System in F# für Verbrauchsdatenanalyse.
GroupHub (Android and Web Clients for collaborative OpenDolphin application)
Chordmaster (easy lead sheets for jazz players). live
Professional Training
Programme Head CAS Web Applications, Motivation (GER)
Workshop Web / Verteilte Systeme
Workshop Web Experience
Seven Usage Patterns for the Groovy programming language
Projector Pattern for efficient user interface creation
Kanban Flow Pattern for concurrent producer-consumer coordination