Prof. Dierk König
Dierk König Portrait

Applied Research Projects

Kolibri, the open Web UI toolkit

MedTech Blockchain

Student Projects

Master: Purely Functional User Interfaces.

Master: Purely Functional Data Analysis with Frege and Apache Spark.

Master: Time Effects in Frege - Concurrency with STM and Investigations on Parallelism.

Master: Ein rein funktionaler PureScript Client für OpenDolphin.

Start of the Kolibri Web UI Toolkit code, documentation.pdf, toolkit

Advanced property-based testing for the Frege Programming Language.

Developing a Minimal Language Server for the Frege Programming Language: an Experience Report.

Type-save producer/consumer data processing in Frege. Documentation, presentation (video)

Facettierte Suche als Tool für die Explorative Datenanalyse im Web. info, code, documentation.pdf

Event Based Real-Time Synchronization of Web Applications. info, documentation.pdf

Facettierte Suche in Web UIs mit Geo-Informationen. link

Lambda Kalkül für praktisches JavaScript. GitBook, code

Mobile Unterstützung für die halbautomatische Sichtbefundung von Bodenproben. BodenDOK

Web UI Next Generation. code, git book

Collaborative Resource Planning with extra-large Multi-Touch Displays.

Migros-IT-Services Lifecycle Management.

Task System in F# für Verbrauchsdatenanalyse.

GroupHub (Android and Web Clients for collaborative OpenDolphin application)

Chordmaster (easy lead sheets for jazz players). live

Professional Training

Programme Head CAS Web Applications, Motivation (GER)


Web Engineering

Web Programming

Web Frameworks

Workshop Web / Verteilte Systeme

Web Clients

Workshop Web Experience


Seven Usage Patterns for the Groovy programming language

Projector Pattern for efficient user interface creation

Kanban Flow Pattern for concurrent producer-consumer coordination


Groovy in Action

Groovy in Action Book The best Java books of all time

Frege Goodness

Frege Goodness Book